Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunny Spring Homeschool Day

I realize that not everyone knows what happens in a homeschool day, so I thought I'd share ours. I don't follow a curriculum- per say- rather a "method". The Charlotte Mason method. It incorporates dictation, narration, nature study, copywork, and "living" books. (Living books are those that are written by an author that are passionate about the subject.) That is just an overview, I will post about homeschool in bits and pieces. It's enough to get you started though...

We are doing a "signs of Spring "nature study this week. I use Anna Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study. Today we collected flower clusters that had fallen from the Maple tree. We discussed their various parts in detail and Will did a write up as well as a drawing. Earlier in the week we did a backyard nature walk, looking for "signs of Spring". We found half of a broken Robin's egg under a pine tree. Lots of pitch in that pine tree, too! Daffodils and another purple flower in bloom. Birds chirping and the trees have buds. I used that time to discuss all the five senses we were using.
Will took this picture with the feathers. He has been collecting feathers for a couple years now and wants to blog about it- so I won't steal his thunder.
It was a sunny warm day and the kids have taken to relaxing on the porch on these days. Soaking up all that vitamin D!! They actually have fallen asleep out there! So I took a picture of my sunbathers.
We did some math and grammar as well. I am using Singapore math this year. Emma Serl's Primary Language Lessons is our main grammar guide.
Later in the afternoon I had them read my sister Betsy's recent blog post. It was about a medieval castle with a tower and large walls. She had visited it near Montpelier, France- as she and her husband are in mission work there.

William and Griffin thought it was so neat that you could write a journal online with pictures and share it with people across the world! So I helped them start their own blogs. Will has been taking pictures of his collections, his creations, his nature study...and wanting to keep them in a "folder" in the computer. I am excited about their willingness to blog. I think it will help them with creative writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation, communication, and computer skills. If you have a moment to comment on their posts, It would be appreciated. Thanks for sharing our day with me.


  1. Love it Bev! I just might have to consider letting my kids blog!

    We did some history outside at Nana & Pop Pop's last week, while we were there. It's fun to do school outside sometimes!

  2. I love the way you teach Bev. It's very hands-on; have you read how that impacts their learning? It sounds like it's a great method and that the kids love learning, which is awesome!! I love that they read our blog and learned something. The kids would've loved being in a real castle - JJ did! I think that's why the 1.5 hour walk around the exterior never got old for him. AND we're super excited about their blogs!!! What a great idea!! Love you guys! Bets
