Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This is what the view off our back porch looked like today. Our Nature Study lesson today was about Spring weather and more specifically Clouds. I follow this home school blog. Each study involves an Outdoor Hour Challenge. You can tailor the lesson to all age groups. Which is nice because we have multi-age classroom here! On the side bar she has notebook pages you can use. The pages to read before you start your hour outdoor are also posted. I had briefly mentioned before that we use The Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Comstock. I don't always read it out loud to the kids, but to myself, to gain knowledge on the subject at hand. The book also has questions for you to guide your student in learning. After our time outside, each 'student' had an activity based on their grade level.
Breanna drew a picture of an earthquake and clouds. Griffin drew our Willow tree swaying in the breeze with clouds. They also participated in the discussion. Will drew those pictures as well, but in better detail and he had this notebook page to complete. He and I went online and found a great chart that has the rising and setting times of the sun in Rochester, NY. He also had to figure out which type of cloud we were seeing today and found a nice website for kids weather.
He decided they were Cirrus clouds and that the wind direction was S. However we discovered we were wrong...The wind is moving NW. I guess we get a B instead of an A today.


  1. Wow, fun Bev!! So interactive and creative. I love that you have the energy for this! Love and miss you all!


  2. It can be fun when I have the time and energy- most days I do try! How do like my hyperlinks??? that was my first time!
