Monday, April 19, 2010

Gluten free journey cont...

My new favorite pizza dough! I found it at Lori's natural Foods.

A bag of 3 for $9.

It is dairy free as well. Made with rice flour. I have had frozen rice dough before, but it tasted like syrofoam!!

Before baking I spread oil on it and then topped it with large mushrooms and 3 cheese blend.

I was talking to Gary at church on Sunday about the pizza I make for the family, and It put me in the mood to post again on my gf journey.


  1. Wait, did the gf dough come in a package? Do you have a good gf pizza dough recipe? Bren sent me some Rice Flour and I found Xantham gum that I brought to France the other day. I'm jealous - that pizza looks amazing! LOVE the portabella mushrooms! drooling...

  2. No- Its a bag of 3 premaid crusts- all rolled out and ready to be topped!!! And they are actually good! Ener-G.
    Go on line to see recipes involving that rice flour and xanthaam gum. you might need more flour to make that work...potato starch, corn starch, soy flour,etc...
    Glad you enjoyed the post.
