Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today I made what I thought was the impossible!
Pizza Dough. I was amazed at how easy it was and I don't know why I had a mental block before. Well maybe I do- a little.. Mike has always made the pizzas around here. He has used the recipe from his Dad. Everyone rants and raves about how great his dough is! So I guess I figured why try to compete with greatness... Somehow I just got it in my head today that I was going to make the dough. I threw all the ingredients in the bread maker and went to town! Most of the kneading and rising was in the "cheat devise". I took it out , split the dough and let rise some more. I used half white whole wheat and half white flour. The hardest part was rolling it out! It keeps rolling back to you! Mike kept trying to give me suggestions...but i wanted nothing of the sort. This was MY project, done MY way. Oh yeah- the taste...It was awesome! Siince I was on a roll...I made chicken wings too! Half- butter and parmesan, Half BBQ. I was real proud of myself.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Grown up

What my children want to be when they grow up...

ERIK- " I don't know... I took a test on fb and it said I'm going to be a Musician, an Artist,but I'm not that good...I love animals but I don't think I could be a Veterinarian cuz you have to hurt I don't know."
I told him about Animal Rescue workers but he said he can't stand to see them that way.
So moving on to next child...
WILLIAM- up until last week...Rock Star! Now...Snowboarder:)
Wonder why???
GRIFFIN- "World Famous Scientist!" If you know him, you know he's my one that could do it too.
BREANNA- "I want to ride a horse and be a Mom!"
MATTHEW- We think he said "Rock Star"...well, he does play the drums on Rock Band...

Monday, February 22, 2010


I started taking an American Sign Language (ASL) class at church a few weeks ago for a couple reasons...
My son Erik has been learning ASL for 3 years now, and needs to raise his grade at school. So I thought he could take the Advanced class for practice and I'll take the Beginner class. I always have had an interest in learning the language. The classes are offered at the same time once a week. If I'm driving him there I might as well stay and learn right? But of course, It's really just for him....
The unexpected happened when my 2 yr old, who can't speak well, is now able to be understood, by all. hmmm, coincidence? I don't think so.
I have been using signs throughout my day and mostly practicing with him because he likes to copy me. Some words we sign are : cereal, eggs, milk, juice, no, potty, and help. I know that those of you who know ASL won't be suprised at all by what I discovered!;)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ready, Set, Go

Because I was at a loss for words...a rarity, I researched and found there are 4 things you must have in your first blog post.
First, introduce yourself...Most of you who will be reading this blog already know me.
I am the "crazy" woman who has 6 children and If the Lord wills it, hope to have more. My husband and I will be married 10 years this June. We have a 15 yr old (from my previous marriage) an 8,6,4,2 and 6 mo old. I enjoy reading , cooking, and sewing - when I have the chance. Really I am so much more than that and hope to show my many sides through my blogging journey. Which brings me to my next "must have"...My reason for blogging.
I am hoping it will be therapeutic for me to blog, like a journal. I have conversations in my head throughout my stay at home day that need to come out. Ideas about homemade foods, sewing projects, and health and wellness. Not to mention the ever popular discussions with the children that deserve to be shared. Perhaps I will remember them better If I write them down.
The third "must have" is topics to be discussed. I have so much to say but I'm not sure people will want to hear it... Seriously though I have a plethera of things to write about, from homemade yogurt to homebirth to baby wearing to being gluten- free and much more!
My sister Betsy has been my biggest inspiration and I couldn't have started this without her. My childhood and recently reaquainted friend Kristi is by far my biggest fan!
My church friends will surely get a laugh or two and maybe find something new.
My husband probably thinks I'm nuts...ok, he's not the only one!
The last "must have" involves you, the reader. Please feel welcome here and free to comment.
I will listen to anything you have to say, even If we don't agree!
Here's to my journey!