Monday, February 22, 2010


I started taking an American Sign Language (ASL) class at church a few weeks ago for a couple reasons...
My son Erik has been learning ASL for 3 years now, and needs to raise his grade at school. So I thought he could take the Advanced class for practice and I'll take the Beginner class. I always have had an interest in learning the language. The classes are offered at the same time once a week. If I'm driving him there I might as well stay and learn right? But of course, It's really just for him....
The unexpected happened when my 2 yr old, who can't speak well, is now able to be understood, by all. hmmm, coincidence? I don't think so.
I have been using signs throughout my day and mostly practicing with him because he likes to copy me. Some words we sign are : cereal, eggs, milk, juice, no, potty, and help. I know that those of you who know ASL won't be suprised at all by what I discovered!;)


  1. Awesome! When Christian was a baby, we used to sign a few things. It's amazing what they can pick up from sign language! If I remember correctly, we used to sign all done, thirsty, drink and a couple other things. I think we started teaching learning/teaching it when he was about 9 mos.

  2. I love how many people are taking the sign language classes. Its really inspiring for those of us who can't hear as well to know that more people want to learn to communicate with us :) ACC is an amazing church. i love it!

  3. lol! I had actually thought about signing w/ Matthew when I was in the nursery with him! I guess it's just habit to sign to people who don't talk... ;)
    So glad to hear it's working! Now he and Cora can sign together. =D

  4. Cool Bev!! How did it develop? Did he copy by just watching you or did you teach him various signs? I adore little Matthew!!! I'm so glad he can communicate now what he wants! You don't miss the grunting? :)
