Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Grown up

What my children want to be when they grow up...

ERIK- " I don't know... I took a test on fb and it said I'm going to be a Musician, an Artist,but I'm not that good...I love animals but I don't think I could be a Veterinarian cuz you have to hurt I don't know."
I told him about Animal Rescue workers but he said he can't stand to see them that way.
So moving on to next child...
WILLIAM- up until last week...Rock Star! Now...Snowboarder:)
Wonder why???
GRIFFIN- "World Famous Scientist!" If you know him, you know he's my one that could do it too.
BREANNA- "I want to ride a horse and be a Mom!"
MATTHEW- We think he said "Rock Star"...well, he does play the drums on Rock Band...


  1. Guess maybe William likes Sean White and maybe Louie Vito? ;) I don't blame him, it looks like a LOT of fun!

    Go Bre!

    I understand Erik. It takes a special calling to be in that line of work.

    Griffin and Matthew - awesome!

  2. I love this Bev!!! It's evident that Breanna's cowgirl Halloween outfit had a big impact on her! :) Has William been loving the Olympic games?? That's awesome. True story - one night we got to see the men's figure skating and JJ thought it was awesome! He was skating around our living room and even sustained a small injury on a turn axle turn. He quickly learned that ice skating on tile with just socks is pretty dangerous! ;)


  3. My kids "skate" in their socks around here a lot! I have to stop them after a while though, because we have had injuries before! ;)
