Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Gluten-Free Journey

It started this journey in fall '08, when I needed relief from the pain of suspected Endometriosis. I could have taken the medical route (birth control pills, surgery, etc...) but choose to treat it nutritionally. Health and wellness websites were advising to go gluten-free to control the pain. I was willing to try but disbelieving It would work. I barely even knew what gluten was! I found out gluten is a substance found mainly in wheat products but there are other sources as well, like barley and rye. Gluten slows down your cardiovascular system and basically makes your blood like sludge. It can cause migraines, aches in joints, intestinal problems, lethargy (sleepiness), pain in the pelvis, as well as myriad of other female issues. As soon as I cut out gluten, I was pain free. I was shocked! I had been doubled over in pain every month- so much so that I couldn't stand. It was debilitating. I also no longer needed to take glucosamine for my joints, and I had alot more energy! On the rare occasion that I do cheat, I pay for It. My joints get achy and I get really sleepy (It's like walking thru a fog ). These symptoms last a couple days too.

I have enlightened my sister Betsy and she too is gf and feels great! ( When she doesn't cheat...) Betsy symptoms were migraines and intestinal issues.My good friend Pam couldn't make sense of her many physical ailments and finally put the whole picture together when she went gf. She since has been diagnosed with Celiac dz.
So as you can see people go gf for a variety of reasons, not just Celiac dz.

Now I know you are thinking- "There is no way I could cut out bread and rolls!!! What a pain in the neck" Honestly It isn't that hard and It's sooo worth It.

Here is a website that is one of my favorites

I still have alot to learn about being gluten intolerant. It is a journey...
In my next post I will list my staple foods and ways I substitute.
I hope this helps someone. If It does please let me know!

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