Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reflections on 'Water for Elephants'

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
First of all I have to say that this novel is NOT for teens (due to some sexual content and language). Second of all, I am surprised I stuck it out and Thankful to Kristi and Rhoda who encouraged me to finish.
The setting is during the Depression- early 1930's in a circus traveling by train. It starts a little slow. I felt it picked up speed about half way thru ( no pun intended). Use a filter due to language. I personally am not used to that, but can see how it was common at the time and gives depth to the characters. I would have liked a little more 'emotion' from the main character. WHY he did, not just WHAT he did.
I actually expected more 'feeling' because the author is female- a bias - I realize...
The title doesn't give justice to the book. I can see how someone might pass it up based on its title alone.
I came away from this novel with a greater sense of appreciation and respect for the elderly! It's written in first person as a ninety something old man revisits his past. I related to the nurses caring for him in the nursing home. I tried to put myself in 'Rosemary's' shoes. The other aspect I could relate to was age, even though I'm fifty- five years younger than he. 'Jacob' mentions how he feels betrayed by his body, and more recently his mind. Well, I plucked my first grey hair this month!! Not just one, but two!! ( Yes- I know some of you don't have any sympathy for me!) I also see my body betraying my mind in the mirror- fine lines around my eyes and age spots appearing on my hands and cheeks...not to mention the uneven weight distribution from having six children.
OK - I'll move on...
The story is endearing and one of love, not just of man but animal as well. You come to love the animals as she brings alot of detail to their mannerisms. I was a little surprised by the ending, but not so much...you can almost guess what is going to happen. I found myself thinking ' Yes! Do it!!' When you read the book- you'll know what I mean...
I also came away with more knowledge of the Depression, the Circus, and Prohibition. For those of you who are homeschooling and use CM theory- this was a 'living' book. A 'real' book written by an author who is passionate and knowledgeable on the subject. However, as I mentioned before, not for children or teens. Speaking of children, I pictured three people in my head for the main character- Jacob. My nephew, because his name is Jacob. William, my son, for his hair is red, as is the character. And Rob Pattinson, for as some of you already know, he is playing Jacob and filming WFE as I write this blog. Which is the main reason why I wanted to read it in the first place. So when the movie came out I'd have something to compare it to. (Yes I'm Team Edward- Now you all know!)
I got alot more out of it than I bargained for and am glad I read something that is out of my comfort zone! I would give it 4 stars!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I too wondered when I started reading it if it was worth finishing because of the need for the filter. But, like you said, it really is appropriate for the characters and their circumstances and their life experiences. I had a friend that encouraged me to finish it too, which is why I encouraged you to. I probably should read it again before I post my review of it since so much time has passed since I read it.

    A very moving story. Love your review. Looking forward to the movie. :) I think Rob will do justice to the role. I've loved everything that Reese is in, so she will probably do a good job in her role as well.

    Am considering reading Eat, Love, Pray, since one of your friends mentioned it, and it's out in movie now or soon to be. My reading list is so long now though. I want to re-read the Twilight Saga too.
