Thursday, January 10, 2013

Homemade Scour and All-purpose

Now that I make my own laundry soap and love it, I'm addicted and moving on to other cleaning supplies.
I hate to clean the tub!  I avoid it at all cost.  Until I found this recipe...

All-Natural Homemade Scouring Powder
2 c Baking Soda
1 c Borax
1 c Salt ( I use coarse salt)

I mixed it all together in a bowl and poured it into a large canning jar.
(next time I may pour the ingredients directly into the jar and shake to mix)
With a large gauge nail and I punched holes in the lid, as pictured in the image above.

To use, I sprayed vinegar on the tub first, then sprinkled the powder. Letting it sit for 5 min. It was cool to hear the reaction taking place between the vinegar and baking soda. (You would use vinegar for a more dirty tub, as opposed to one that gets clean weekly).    I thought about taking a before and after photo, but I'm embarrassed my tub was so bad...
I used a scrub brush, like the one above, but felt I was using too much muscle power.  When I switched to the scrub sponge the grime came off easy!  Ive never seen my tub sparkle so much!
I tried it on the tile surrounding the tub and it too came clean, even in the grooves of grout.
The Borax is an anti-fungal, which is why it does well on mildew.  In the wash load, or the wall!

Another quick- easy to make- cleaner that I use every day is:

All-Natural All purpose cleaner
1 tbls Baking Soda
2 tbls Borax
2 tbls Vinegar
4 c water

I keep it next to the sink in a spray bottle.  The mouth of the spray bottle is small, so you have to use a funnel for the ingredients.
What I love about it:
1- Its natural
2- really inexpensive
3- anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ( from the Borax and vinegar)
4- versatile!  You can add essential oils, like lavender, or tea tree oil.
 5- I love the way it makes my counter tops feel.  I was pleasantly surprised the first time I used it, and haven't looked back!  They are smooth and less 'stained' as a result of the baking soda.

I don't claim to take credit for any of these recipes.  I find them online at my favorite blogs, or google till I find one I want.  I've been reading the comments from others under the recipes, finding tips on clumping, prices, improvements, etc...
Here is the website I used:

Stay tuned for the dishwasher detergent recipe I plan to use.   Just need a trip to the store for citric acid...

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