Monday, December 13, 2010

My Vegan journey #2

It has been 1 week and 3 days since I went dairy and meat free. I am surviving!! Actually, I'm doing better than that. I feel great! An unexpected side effect is the energy I have.
For example- this Sat. I was up with the baby at night, nursing her a few times. Then I got up early with the kids, around 6:30 or so. Bre had her princess party that day, so I had 5 young girls here with much activity for several hours. (My friend Lauren who is one of the moms stayed to help- I must confess.) After the party I finally sat down around 3 to eat lunch! Noticed I still had energy, and I was surprised. Did my weekly grocery shopping that afternoon and rushed to get home. The boys were in their Christmas play that night too! I seriously felt like the Energizer bunny! You may be thinking sure... She must have downing the Red Bull! All I had to drink was a cup or two of tea and lemonade.
I have cheated a time or two- I must admit... sneaking a nibble of meat here or there... naughty.
(but I really mean nibble!)
You may be asking- what are you eating? cardboard?
Today I made collard greens with quinoa (which is a whole grain that is a complete protein).
That was a new recipe for me and was real good! I also made gluten free, vegan cornbread to go with it. Delicious! I substituted a banana for the eggs. Like a banana cornbread, it was good. Easy too!
Another nice meal was the gf pizza I made with rice cheese. Erik tasted it and said you couldn't even tell it was gluten and dairy free! You can tell, but I was happy with it, and he was just being nice.
I used alot of corn tortillas this week, as they are very versatile. Rolled up with Pb and J, re fried beans, or quinoa and salsa. (fyi- corn tortillas work better when slightly warmed.)
I also use quinoa frequently. Piling veggies on it for a meal.
On Sunday we like to get Chinese on the way home from church (when our budget allows) and that meal worked out nice too. Broccoli with garlic sauce, white rice, and sweet and sour soup (picked out the 'pork'). It lasted 3 meals for me!
For snacks I've had tortilla chips, black bean dip (which can also be used in a meal), popcorn, and rice cakes(which my 3 youngest have eating more than I!)
I am finding I eat less and get full with smaller portions. Its hard to tell, but I feel slightly thinner, in my 'core'. And the scale tells me I lost 1-2 lbs.
I am hoping that at 'my time of the month', I will have less pain. But If I dont, I still think this may be a lifestyle change for me...
Not bad for my first week- I am pleased with myself.

1 comment:

  1. I commend your commitment! :) You're doing great, and it shows that it's having positive effects on you! You're my inspiration, however I still don't think I can give up meat. Maybe one day, we'll see.

    LOVED having you guys to our house. Thanks again for making the effort and drive. It meant a lot to us.

