Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ready, Set,...go?

I have no idea what week this is for my lil plants! I've totally lost track! But they are ready and waiting to be planted. Don't you agree? I had to replant them from the peat pots as the roots had grown thru and spreading out! I replanted the pumpkins grown in the egg shells also. They were tall and crowded in that lil shell. To do those I cracked the bottom of the shells so the roots could expand and re potted them, shell and all. I plan to put them in the ground like that as well. I enjoyed the look of those shells so much that I will use them next year for starters instead of the peat pots.

Update on my raised beds...My husband is currently rototilling the 'garden' spot for the raised beds to be built there. Soon, I can say go!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Tonight I cooked up some Fiddleheads from my Ostrich ferns out back.
Amazingly Erik, Will, Griffin, and Breanna tried them!

Will had a handful and Erik said he would have had more, but he was saving them for me.

If there was more he would have eaten them....So he says.
They do have an 'earthy' taste to them. A crunchy 'bite', but very pleasing to the palate. Some websites say like asparagus. I'd say they are stronger in flavor than that! I sauteed these in canola oil and fresh pressed garlic. Delicious! I have since learned that you should steam them first for 10 min, then saute. There may be a toxin released if not cooked thoroughly. Some ferns are not edible, but the Ostrich and cinnamon fern are very safe. I have a large crop of organic Ostrich ferns in my back yard!!

They are high in potassium,vitamin A and C, iron, and Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids!!

And how nice they look on your plate as a compliment to the meat. I paired them with grilled potatoes and pork. They are so beautiful to look at!!

Here's a good website with more info. If you are interested in recipes with fiddleheads rather than just butter and salt click here.